Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Amazing discoveries # 932 DVD. "LET THERE BE LIGHT"

By Walter Vieth PhD. and A.D.T.V..org. SERIES: Rekindling the REFORMATION.

    Let's begin with a brief look at the history of the Reformation, where this movement is today, and what occurred in between these tow points.

   It was Martin Luther, whose knowledge of of the Bible, lit the fuse, that caused the explosion of the Reformation into the Protestant Movement. He was born to Hans and Margarete  Luther in November 10, 1483. At that time, for hard working,poor people to have been able to send their son to a university,, competing with the sons of Dukes, he must have been a very brilliant thinker!
    Martin, received his first position in Lutherstadt {Luther's Town] in Wittenburg 's University , [White
Town?]   and here became a Doctor in theology, teaching theology as well as being the Priest of the Church within this complex.He was an expert in both German, Latin and Greek languages

  as for Luther, he was a witness to the actions of Monk named John Tetzel, who was beginning to sell INDULGENCES,  to raise money for the finishing, the restorations of the St. Peter's Basilica It this John Tetzel's claim, "When a coin fall into the this box, another soul flies from Purgatory and into heaven".
     There's the problem, one's payments for an Indulgence, does NOT pay for one's present sins, but buy relief from future punishments in Purgatory, Plus it can also buy a reprieve for those who have already died!
Note (J.B.) There is nothing Biblical about this, heaven's not for sale at any price, but for loving obedience only, on our part!

    Now, why did it work then and even today? Fear of death and punishments, all founded upon this system's lack of depending upon the The Living Word of God, His Holy Bible! They put THEIR, traditions ahead of it!

                      THE STORY OF PROTESTANTISM--- F. HOLDERNESS GALE. p. 106.

   When Luther visited Rome, the work of rebuilding St. Peter's has already begun. Julius II, was Pope when Luther visited Rome, but in 1513, a year after Luther became a Doctor, Julius died, and was succeeded as Pontiff by Leo X. So vast were Leo's schemes for the rebuilding of Rome that they quickly drained his treasury; the Pope had recourse to the sale of indulgences.
    The commissioner for Germany was then Archbishop Albert, of Mayence and Magdeburg-- in which the latter diocese was Wittenburg. He struck a bargain with Rome, under which he was allowed to retain half the proceeds of the sales in Germany. {J.B. every one's a winner but the donors, right?]
     Of these sub-commissioners the most prominent, and not the least blasphemous was John Tetzel, a Dominican Monk who seems to have combined the voice of a town-crier with the unscrupulous blandishments of a cheap-jack From town to town through Germany Tetzel proceeded with retinue. At the head of the procession, the Papal Bull {letter} issuing the indulgences was carried in a casket on a velvet cushion. the Dominican bore a great red cross from which were suspended the arms of Leo X., and behind his were driven mules which carried the bales of Pardons. {for sins}
     Of the keys 0f these chests, one was in the hands of Tetzel, a second was kept by the representative of the bankers, and a third was entrusted to the civil authorities. Tetzel,, whose personal character was notoriously bad, that the Elector Frederick forbade Tetzel to carry on his trade with the territory over which he ruled.
    "Indulgences," he urged, "are the most precious and most noble of God's gifts. Come, he shouted and I will give you letters all properly sealed, by which even the sins which you intend to commit many be pardoned" John Tetzel's spiel!!!

    This really incensed Luther and some of his parishioners, who had been taught the Bible's truth, and this was starkly different form any Bible version.

    Tetzel proclaimed, as Pope Boniface VIII. had done 200 years earlier, that an indulgence could be secured by the living for the benefit of the dead. "Priest, noble, Merchant, wife, youth, maiden, do you not hear your parents and other friends who are dead, and who cry from the bottom of the abyss, "We are suffering horrible torments! A trifling alms would deliver us; you can give it, and you will not'? At the very instant that money rattles at the bottom of the chest the soul escapes from purgatory, and flies ransomed to heaven"

   At this point W. Veith related a story, in this DVD, that he received a phone call from a high catholic official, he refused to name, saying, "You'd better return to the church, attend a mass, confess your sins, and pay your indulgence because your father is in Purgatory and suffering terribly and it's all your fault!"  That happened only 21 years ago, Date of DVD? 2013.  You see three entities, NEVER change, GOD, Satan and The Papacy's dogmas.

   Deuteronomy 24:16  "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin."
(J.B. therefore repent and seek forgiveness of each sin, or die with them!]

NOTE: (J.B.) So I ask Y O U, how is paying an "Indulgence" going to pay for the sins of another? Besides there is no such place in the Bible as PURGATORY!

    IN D'Aubigne's "History of the Reformation" we find:-----

   I incorporate thee afresh in the communion of saints; and I reinstate the in the innocence and purity in which thou was at the hour of thy baptism; so that, at the hour of they death, the gate through which is the entrance to the place of torments and punishments shall be closed against thee, and that which leads to the Paradise of joy shall be open. And shouldest thou be spread long, this grace shall remain immutable to the time of they last end. In the name of the Father, of the son, and of the the Holy Ghost. amen. 
Brother Tetzel, Commissioner, has signed it with his own hand.

Note: (J.B.) Does any human speak for Christ, in whose hand all judgement has been placed?

John Dowling , D.D. {Doctor of Divinity} relates:  "A gentleman of Saxony had heard Tetzel at Leipzig, and was much shocked by his impostures. He went to the monk, and inquired if he was authorized to pardon sin in intention, or such as the applicant intended to commit? "Assuredly", answered Tetzel: "I have full power from the Pope to do so."
    "Well, returned the gentleman, "I want to take some slight revenge on one of my enemies, without attempting his life, I will pay you ten crowns, if you will give me a letter of indulgence that shall bear me harmless." Tetzel made some scruples; they struck a bargain for thirty crowns. Shortly after, the monk set out from Leipzig.

So what happened next?

    The gentleman, attended by his servants, laid wait for him in a wood between Juterboch and Treblin, --fell upon him, gave him a beating, and carried of the rich chest of indulgence-monies the inquisitor has with him. Tetzel clamored against this act of violence before the judges. But the gentleman showed the letter signed by Tetzel himself, exempted hi beforehand from all responsibility. Duke George who had at first been much irritated at this action, upon seeing this writing ordered that the accused should be acquitted.
"History of Romanism", p.445. New York : 1870.

    This wast the last straw, for Luther who penned a letter to his Archbishop: Albert of Mayence and Magdeburg.....here are a few sentences from this letter:----

"The righteous scarcely shall be saved." he writes, "So narrow is the way that leads to life {Eternal} Those who are saved are called in  the Scripture brands saved from the burning; everywhere the Lord reminds us of the difficulty of salvation. How, then, dare these men seek to render poor souls fatally confident of salvation, on the mere strength of purchased indulgences and futile promises?"

     Then on All Saint's Day (Nov. 1st) , 1517 Luther read to the crowded congregation thew protest against indulgences which had already been sent to the archbishop; and when the service was over, he passed through the crowd to the outer pillars of the gate of the church, and there--on October 31st, 1517-- he nailed his "Ninety-five Theses" to the gate.

  History will show, that in this action Luther only addressed the actions and beliefs within the Indulgences, and no other points where raised about any doctrinal ideals. To this very day, there are still copies of his Theses in bronze om the door, the very same door, as well as plaques inside , for all to see and read. But God raised up another person, one who had great political power.
Duke Friedrich {Kurfurst Johann Friedrich der Grobmutige [1500- 1550)  who had the reputation of being a kind-hearted man who was very religious. He was also an "Elector" meaning he could vote to elect Heads of State, and vote for even the Emperor for the Holy Roman Empire!
  It is not common knowledge, that this Due, had a dream the very night before Luther nailed his paper on the door of the church.

    Note: Most have heard at least a portion of this story, but few know that within his 95 Theses, not once did Luther raise a protest of any doctrine beyond these Indulgences! Not one bit of criticism dis he offer! { I J.B. guess it shows to never come between Rome and they money!}

   "The night before Martin Luther nailed his ninety five theses on the door of the Church of Wittenburg, the elector Fredrick of Saxony had a remarkable dream which he dreamt thrice, each time with new circumstances. In relating it to to the duke John the next morning and said:

   "I must tell you a dream I had last night for I dreamt it thrice and each time with new circumstances... I prayed to guide me, my councils, and my people according to truth. I again fell asleep and then dreamed that Almighty God sent him a monk-- all the saints accompanied him by order of God in order to bear testimony before me and to declare that he did not come to contrive any plat. They asked me to have the goodness graciously to permit him to write something on the door of the church of the castle of Wittengerg. this I granted through my chancellor.
     Thereupon the monk went to the church and began to write in such large characters that I could read the writing as Schweinitz.
The pen he used was so large that its end reached as far as Rome, where it pierced the ears of a Lion that was crouched there, { (JB.)the lion by the way is symbolic of Babylon/Confusion/apostasy] , and caused the Triple Crown upon the head of pope to shake. All the cardinals and princes running hastily up tried to prevent it from falling.
  "Then I dreamed that all the princes of the empire, and we among them, hastened to Rome and strove, one after the other to break the pen; but the more we tried the stiffer it became, sounding as if it had been made of iron. We at length desisted. Suddenly I heard a noise-- a large number of other pens had sprung out of the monk. I awoke the third time it was daylight."
    "So passed the morning of the 31st of October 1517, in the royal castle at Schweinitz. The elector had hardly made and of the telling the dream, when the monk comes with he hammer to interpret it."  The pen then became many smaller pens, as many other scholars God chose to have His Word translated and written in the common languages of man, not the dead tongue of Latin!
 "History of Protestantism" J.A. Wylie, LLD vol 1. 1pp. 263--266.

  It was from this dream, that this Elector, became the protector or Martin Luther, who God spared, unlike Johann Huss years earlier was burn ed alive at the stake.all because he dared to preach from the Bible! As all can see when ever the Religious and Civil powers unite persecutions result, just ask any woman or non Islamics in Islamic nations!
    What was this huge pen a symbol of? The Translations of the Bible from Latin into the tongues of of the people in many nations!   The triple Crown, is no longer in use, for the public consumption but each Pope is still crowed by it! What is it's significance? The three (3) layers represent Heaven, Earth and the Nether regions the Papacy claims to have powers over, all three!!!
   The many other pens, all the other translators, the Geneva Bible, Wycliffe's works and all the other great Bible Scholars, of whom few,today know anything about!

   Now the Dominican Monk Tetzel, did not like any of this, it crimped his style an his pocketbook, so he ripped of Luther's Theses and publicly denounced them as he burned them up!
[(J.B.) Perhaps this is the why they have called the King James Bible that Damnable Book}?  Tetzel then produced His Thesis to counter Luther's, but Luther's student would have none of this, they burned Tetzel's work and put out their won, and fires everywhere, burning counters to counters.

    Then another and more influential Dominican came to the aid of Tetzel, in the person of Sylvester Mazzolini of Prierio, who was in the confidence of the Pope. He went even father than Tetzel had done, maintaining that "Whosoever does not rely on the teaching of the roman Church and of the Roman Pontiff, as the infallible rule of faith, from which the Holy scriptures themselves derive their strength and their authority, is a heretic"   [(J.B) Wow! so the Bible relies upon the Vatican, rather than the other way around? Good grief what's apostasy in Your eyes?}

    In this system, all its believers MUST accept and fully believe what their One leader, who is believed to speak infallibly, in Cathedra or from the seat, about religion. Or if one does not then that one is labeled a heretic and killed!. Sorry friends but that's still on the Books as it were.It's a TOP- DOWN FAITH in a MAN, not Totally in Christ! Who has largely been supplanted by Mary!  Whether it makes Biblical sense, or not, the Pope's words are LAW!

    The charge of heresy, hinted at by Tetzel, who latter was proven to have embezzled funds, he'd collected, and Prierrio who joined a third Dominican monk Hoogstraten of Cologne, and adopted by John Eck, professor of scholastic theology at Ingolstadt/ Saying: "It's a Bohemian poison which you are circulating."
   This in the obvious reference to Johann Huss, whose ideas, from the Bible, running counter to the Vatican, was charged with heresy and burned alive at the stake some years before.

     Luther later published his "Resolutions" in answer to this critics, and in defiance and amplification of his Theses, he ventured to dedicate the work to the Pope himself.
    The result was a summons to Luther to answer at Rome, within 60 days of August 7, 1518, for the preferred charges against him. Little more than a fortnight of this period elapsed before Pope Leo changed his mind, and the Wittenberg professor was ordered to appear, not at Rome but at Augsburg.  The Story of Protestantism.
   Note: One travelled either on foot or by horse, to Rome over the Alps, that was not a small matter.

    So in Augsburg, martin Luther wrote: "In the midst of His enemies Christ reigns. May Christ live, may Luther die; may God of my salvation be exalted".
Augsberg had been fixed upon as the place of trail, and the Reformer set out on foot to preform the journey thither. Serious fears were entertained i his behalf. Threats had been made openly that he would be waylaid and murdered on the way, and his friends begged him not to venture. They even entreated him to leave Wittenberg for a time, and find safety with those who would gladly protect him. But he would not leave the position that God had placed him. He must continue faithfully to maintain the TRUTH!  Notwithstanding THE STORMS THAT WERE BEATING UPON HIM. IS LANGUAGE WAS, "I AM LIKE JEREMIAH, A MAN OF STRIFE AND CONTENTION:  but the more they increased their threatenings, the more they multiply my joy...... They have already torn to pieces my honor and my good name. All  have left is my wretched body: let them have it; and they will shorten my life  by a few hours. But as to my soul (breath of Life} they shall not have that. He who resolves to bear the word of Christ to the world, must expect death at every hour "

Note: Again, Martin Luther criticized ONLY the practice of granting indulgences, nothing else! However this caused a firestorm in the Vatican, so never get between them and money! Now if you think this is all over with and shovelled into the dust bins of history look again.........

BBC NEWS:  Thursday, 6 December, 2007 , 16: 44 GMT 

   The POPE approves Lourdes INDULGENCES.
    The Pope Benedict XVI places great importance on indulgences to mark the 150th anniversary of the Virgin Mary's appearance at Lourdes.
     Catholics visiting the site within a year of December will be able to receive an indulgence, which the church teaches can reduce time in purgatory.
     Lourdes has drawn pilgrim since Mary was said to have appeared in 1858
to the shepherdess Bernadette Soubirous. The waters of the French shrine are said to have miraculous healing powers..  Cont:
    Genesis 3:19 " In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
     Ecclesiastes 9:5 " For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten."

NOTE: Sorry friends, but there in NOT one word, nor slightest of hints, anywhere in God's Word, that Mary, lives the life of a resurrected person! Thus all human traditions!

     Colossians 2:8  "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."
     Matthew 7:20-23  "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Cont:  "The pontiff also said believers who prayed at places of worship dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes from 2_11 February next year- or who were unable to make the journey- would also be able to receive indulgences.
     The degree was signed by the head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, U.S. cardinal J.F. Francis Stafford, a Vatican  court dealing with indulgences and matters of conscience. Indulgences became infamous in the 16y century for being sold rather than earned, helping historians say, trigger the Protestant reformation. While some might consider indulgences an outdated concept, great spiritual importance have been assigned to them by Benedict XVI and his predecessor, Pope John  Paul II. " Note{ This DVD was produced in 2007..J.B.]

NOTE: This was the very largest, for it was world-wide, and one needed not to visit any site just think of it, for the whole world was expected, and did, participate in this huge financial windfall. Stuff such as this made this system, financially one of the richest entities on earth, bigger than most global corporations or banks!

    Ephesians 2:8  "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:"
    Ephesians 2:9  "Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Note:  Sorry, but nobody can WORK their was into heaven! Nor buy their way in! Loving obedience to God's Law is the ONLY way, plus one's full acceptance for Jesus Christ's GIFT OF HIS SALVATION!

     So today, what is Rome telling us? Indulgences are still valid, and your protesting is and has been in vain!
Well they may think so, but today the Holy Bible has been printed in nearly every known language under the sun, and can be bought very inexpensively, by most, and many are given away for the asking, that was one of many things that would result in one death at the hands of the Pope's people, even if it was but one verse written out!It was called the Dark Ages due to the fact that god's Word was "LOCKED UP" by the church, and written in a dead language Latin, So that few even know what is spoken of in church! How can all that be "SOLD", to millions?  Please, Please think!

   Revelation 18:4  "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
  Jude 1:10-11  "But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core." {a Hebrew man]

 However the Protestant world is SILENT, and acting like the the Three Monkeys, See No Evil, Hear No Evil Speak No Evil! All the while they are Starry eyed, while rushing back to Mother Rome under Ecumenical ONENESS, errors and all!

                                                          Luther's Trials. 

     Luther's first meeting with Cardinal Cajetan was on October 11th, the day after he had received the Emperor's safe-conduct. The legate was insistent that the Young professor should retract. Luther asked to be shown in what he had erred and the Cardinal pointed out tow of his propositions as erroneous. In one he had denied that the Sacrament had any efficacy unless the man has faith; in another he had denied that the merits of Christ formed part of the treasure from which the Pope granted indulgences to the faithful. 
     No Scriptural proof of his error on either point could Luther get: "Scripture", shouted the cardinal, "The Pope is above Scripture and above Councils." {From the Story of Protestantism}

Note: There are but two powers that dare put themselves above Scripture, thus Roman System and Satan! However this should not come as surprise....just read this near 2,000 year old message------
   Knowing this: A beast in the Bible is symbolic of a kingdom that united both church and state as one.
   Revelation 13:2  "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."  Whose the Dragon?  Rev. 12:9. 

Now remember, the Emperor that had given Luther safe passage, was told about Johann Huss, burned alive at the stake, and this Cardinal, looked directly at the Emperor, when he spoke this, and he sat and blushed, but did not shut-up. You see in their minds, Luther was guilty, and need to burned alive, at the stake, as a loud message to others!   This Emperor did not slink away as did those around Huss, and Luther cheated death! That was then, the power of of the Vatican!

We must remember that the merits of their saints, so so great, that the faithful are able to withdraw from their merits accounts, and put then in their own personal merit accounts! Such as me, withdrawing merits from Moses's account, to add to my own, as have too little merit, to enter heaven,  for a price, of course! No wonder the Mafia was born under this system! The Little Horn, takes the huge merits of Christ, and they transfer that, from Christ,  into their indulgences reasoning!

Note: Did they miss this verse?   Deuteronomy 24:16  "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin."
They are above Scripture remember?

End of Part # 1.
Thanking Y O U for your time, remember those who forget history are bound to repeat the errors.
Questions?   Comments?  John at servant@frontier.com

Want More info: Visit your seventh-day Adventist Church any Sabbath/Saturday 9-10 AM. Only christ can and will give you peace of mind the world can't grasp.

Other worthy sites:   wwwblbn.org   wwwamazingdiscoveries.org   www.servantsite@wordpress.com



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